Classes will be held at The Lucid Body House on W. 37th St. from 9am – 5pm each day.

The cost of this class is $400. A $200 discount will be applied to those retaking Esoteric Healing Level 1.

This class is presented by Martha Henry-MacDonald and Steve Kramer. Levels 1 – 4 will be offered in New York City.

Learn the principles & techniques of Esoteric Healing, an approach to well-being that involves treatment of the human energy field. The practical course work teaches the relationship between the physical and esoteric anatomy, as well as the evaluation of the human energy field.

Specific treatment procedures and spiritual healing principles will be included.

Level 1 : Introduction to Esoteric Healing

Teachings will include:

– the anatomy and physiology of the chakra system and subtle bodies with practical emphasis on the lower three chakras

– the physical and psychological aspects of each chakra

– the physical and esoteric causes of disease

– alignment and attunement in a healing practice

– sensing energy

– balancing the chakras at the physical/etheric, emotional, mental and spiritual levels

– instruction and practice with balancing protocols related to chakras, endocrine glands, and organ systems

– exploration of the Soul, the true healer of the physical form

– meditation: practiced as an essential component of alignment, treatment, expansion of consciousness, and opening to intuition as a way of life.

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