2015-06-03 20.07.36Instructor: Katie Knipp Wills
Dates: Thursdays Jan 14th-Feb 25th
Times: 6:30-9:30pm
Regular Fee: $375
Early Fee and Date: $325 until December 14

Description: Learn or refresh the essential elements of the Lucid Body process. The Basics are the foundation for energetic character building. This class is designed for the beginner as well as for those who want to get back to the Lucid Body fundamentals. The course will focus on expanding the physical and emotional range of the actor–by drawing attention to the alignment and personality habits and working to stretch beyond habit. Through a rigorous yoga-based physical and breath-oriented warm-up, study of the 7 energy centers along the spine, and physical character & partner exercises, the Lucid Body student will experience great self-discovery and transformation in emotional and physical flexibility.

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