MgungaBehavior Change Process 

The Behavior Change Process stems from Mgunga Mwa Mnyenyelwa in Tanzania, with whom Fay studied for two years. Mgunga’s work, which stems from Augusto Boal’s Theater of the Oppressed, uses theatre as a modality to inspire grassroots change. The interactive theatre piece and dialogue with the audience after the performance, sets the BCP apart from other social services. A piece is built with community members only after thorough research is conducted within the community. After the performance, the audience breaks into groups and discusses the issue, the root causes, people responsible, and possible solutions. Then the audience rewrites the performance, illustrating their possible solutions for a specific issue. Audience members are also encouraged to have a discussion, interview characters of the play, and even go up into the piece and see if they could handle a situation in a more positive way. Follow-up workshops are offered to stimulate proactive behavior within the community.

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