Private Lucid Body Coaching

Get a one-on-one coaching with a Lucid Body Teacher to connect deeper to the Lucid Body work. You may choose to work on a monologue, a character, an audition, or work with energetics and physical exercises.

Private coaching with a certified Lucid Body teacher is available in 1-hour and 1.5-hour increments. Coaching sessions reserved on our website are available for sessions in NYC, Los Angeles, and Chicago only. If you are looking for coaching in another city or outside of the United States, please contact us at to check for availability.

Our Teachers:

Fay Simpson
Katie Knipp
Prather Rehm
Aya Tucker
Kathleen McNenny

Los Angeles
Kennedy Brown
Caitlin Apparcel
Elias Wygodny

Roger Ellis
Precious Jennings

Washington DC
Shayna Freedman

Asheville, N. Carolina
Christine Hellman

Gainesville, Florida
Monika Gossmann

Raniah Al Sayed

Sophie Loschburg
Monika Gossmann

Brazil, Portugal:
Thiago Felix

Private Coaching with Fay Simpson

If you purchase private coaching with Fay we will be in contact within 48 hours to schedule your session.

Private Coaching in the US with a

Certified Lucid Body Teacher

If you choose to purchase private coaching with a specific certified Lucid Body Teacher, please include the teacher’s name and city in the comment field upon purchase. We will contact you within 48 hours to schedule your session.

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